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libPDL - Protocol Definition Language


The Protocol Definition Language (PDL) and its implementation, libPDL, is used to decode and encode messages to and from any communication protocol that can be defined in PDL. The library was initially written to handle the MIDI protocol used by the synthesizer Clavia Nord Modular, for the implementation of an open source patch editor.

The implementation libPDL reads a protocol definition from file at instantiation and configures its internal parse structure following the rules found in the definition file. It then has two modes of operation. It can either parse a bit stream into a parse tree of hiearchical packages and bound variables, or it can generate a bit stream from a list of integers that replaces variables in the definition.

PDL Description

The vocabulary in PDL can be modeled like this:

PDL   Vocabulary

A Protocol consists of a number of Packets, each defined with a sequence of Matchers. There are five types of Matchers, Variable Matcher, Constant Matcher, Iterative Packet Matcher, Iterative Variable Matcher and Packet Matcher. The application of each Matcher is controlled by an Option, which can be either Conditional, Unconditional or Optional.

PDL is implemented using Flex, Yacc and C++. The PDL notation can be described with BNF as follows.

   packet protocol |

A protocol consists of several packet definitions.

   PACKET '%' PAD ':=' matchers ';'

A packet has an name, a bit padding and a sequence of matchers. It is terminated with a semicolon. The packet is padded at the end with zeroes up to the next even multiplier of PAD. If B is the number of bits in the packet, then the remainder of B/PAD must be zero.

   matcher matchers |
   matcherOption matcherType

A matcher consists of one option and one matcher type.

   '#' VARIABLE '=' NUMBER '=>' |
   '#' VARIABLE '!' NUMBER '=>' |
   '?' |

A matcher option can be one of three things.

First, it can be a conditional match, depending on the value of a variable bound earlier in the packet. At least one conditional match defined in a packet must be satisfied for the entire packet to be satisfied. The two operators equal (=) and not equal (!) are available.

Second, it can be an optional match that can be left unsatisfied and still yield a correct match.

Third, it can be an unconditional match that always needs to be satisfied.


There are five types of matchers.

The first matcher, the Packet Matcher, tries to match an entire sub packet and bind it to a sub packet identifier in the packet.

The second matcher, the Iterative Packet Matcher, tries to match a number of sub packets, depending on a variable bound earlier in the packet. All packets need to be matched for the matcher to be satisfied. The list of sub packets are bound to a sub packet list identifier in the packet.

The third matcher, the Variable Matcher, tries to match a variable value with a specified bit size. The matched value is bound to a variable in the packet.

The fourth matcher, the Iterative Variable Matcher, tries to match up to a constant number of variables. The matcher is satisfied either if the terminal value is matched, or if the maximum number of values are reached. The resulting list is bound to a variable in the packet.

The fifth matcher, the Constant Matcher, tries to match a constant value with a specified bit size. The matcher is satisfied only if the constant value is found.

libPDL Protocol Control Language Description

The C++ implementation libPDL is controlled through a generic control language euqal for all protocol definitions. This language is used to access the parser, the generator and the parse trees.

The control language has the following vocabulary.

libPDL   Control Language

A Protocol contains a number of Packet Parsers. A Packet Parser can parse a Bit Stream to generate a parse tree consisting of Packets. A Packet Parser can also generate a Bit Stream from an Int Stream.

Packet Parser

To invoke the packet parser, a Protocol needs to be instantiated with a definition file and then given a BitStream.

#include "pdl/protocol.h"
#include "pdl/packetparser.h"
#include "pdl/bitstream.h"
#include "pdl/packet.h"

Protocol* protocol = new Protocol("protocol_definition_file.pdl");
BitStream bitStream;
Packet packet;

bool success =
   protocol->getPacketParser("packet_name")->parse(&bitStream, &packet);

delete protocol;

The protocol will try to match the bit stream to a specific packet definition found in the definition file, yielding a packet hiearchy with bound sub packets and variables.

To access the sub packets and variables, a number of access methods are defined in the Packet class.

#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <map>

class Packet

   typedef list<Packet*> PacketList;
   typedef list<int> VariableList;
   typedef map<string, int> VariableMap;
   typedef map<string, Packet*> PacketMap;
   typedef map<string, PacketList> PacketListMap;
   typedef map<string, VariableList> VariableListMap;

   Packet* getPacket(string name);            // Bound by Packet Matcher
   PacketList getPacketList(string name);     // Bound by Iterative Packet Matcher
   int getVariable(string name);              // Bound by Variable Matcher
   VariableList getVariableList(string name); // Bound by Iterative Variable Matcher

Bit Stream Generator

To generate a bit stream corresponding to a packet with bound variables, a Protocol needs to be instantiated with a definition file and then given a list of integers to be bound to variables found in the packet.

#include "pdl/protocol.h"
#include "pdl/packetparser.h"
#include "pdl/bitstream.h"
#include "pdl/intstream.h"

Protocol* protocol = new Protocol("protocol_definition_file.pdl");
BitStream bitStream;
IntStream intStream;

bool success =
   protocol->getPacketParser("packet_name")->generate(&intStream, &bitStream);

delete protocol;


This small example defines a packet corresponding to the ACK packet found in the Clavia Nord Modular protocol and uses it to parse a bit stream and to generate a bit stream.

test1.pdl definition file:

Sysex % 1 :=
   0xf0:8 0x33:8 0:1 cc:5 slot:2 0x06:8
   #cc=0x16 => ACK$data

ACK % 1 :=
   0:1 pid1:7 0:1 0x7f:7 0:1 pid2:7 0:1 checksum:7

main.cc source code:

#include <stdio.h>

#include "pdl/protocol.h"
#include "pdl/bitstream.h"
#include "pdl/intstream.h"
#include "pdl/packet.h"
#include "pdl/packetparser.h"
#include "pdl/tracer.h"

class TestTracer : public virtual Tracer
   void trace(string message)
      printf("TRACE: %s\n", message.c_str());

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   Protocol* p = new Protocol("test1.pdl");
   TestTracer tracer;
   BitStream stream;
   Packet packet;

   stream.append(0xf0, 8);
   stream.append(0x33, 8);
   stream.append(   0, 1);
   stream.append(0x16, 5);
   stream.append(   0, 2);
   stream.append(0x06, 8);
   stream.append(   0, 1);
   stream.append(  15, 7);
   stream.append(   0, 1);
   stream.append(0x7f, 7);
   stream.append(   0, 1);
   stream.append(  16, 7);
   stream.append(   0, 1);
   stream.append( 127, 7);
   stream.append(0xf7, 8);

   p->getPacketParser("Sysex")->parse(&stream, &packet);

   printf("%d \n", packet.getVariable("cc"));
   printf("%d \n", packet.getVariable("slot"));
   printf("%s \n", packet.getPacket("data")->getName().c_str());
   printf("%d \n", packet.getPacket("data")->getVariable("pid1"));
   printf("%d \n", packet.getPacket("data")->getVariable("pid2"));
   printf("%d \n", packet.getPacket("data")->getVariable("checksum"));

   IntStream data;

   p->getPacketParser("Sysex")->generate(&data, &stream);

   while(stream.isAvailable(8)) {
      printf("%X\n", stream.getInt(8));


libPDL Architecture

The architecture of libPDL is described using a language and notation found at http://www.fyrplus.se/users/Marcus.Andersson/lisa/lisa.php.


The libPDL component is configured with the Protocol Definition Language and controlled with the Protocol Control language. It usees Flex, Yacc and C++ for the implementation of PDL and Protocol Control.

Example   Usage Architecture

Together with a PDL definition file (midi.pdl), a new language (NM MIDI Protocol) is implemented.