Welcome to nmEdit
This project attempts to create a open/free editor for the Clavia Nord Modular and Micro Modular synthesizers. Please note that this site and the whole project is still in developing stage.
On 2 December Clavia announced the following:
Despite earlier information, Clavia has today decided to stop the work of the software upgrade for the Nord Modular system. Instead, Clavia will focus its development resources on new projects.
And thus we-the-people decided to create and free/open source editor.
Latest News
Website update
February 2008
JPDL2 documentation.
Website update June 2007
Website update
August 2006
New public page for improved
Nomad Pre-Release
July 2006
Nomad version 0.2.1 pre-release available.
New Nomad discussion forum hosted at electro-music.com
Several updates June 2006
- new screenshots are available
- new subproject: jsynth
- new subproject: jpatch
- new subproject: jtheme
Java libraries for midi communication
March 2006
The protocol librarlies libPDL and libnmProtocol
have been ported to Java.
Java API for C++ libraries
June 2005
SWIG is used to automatically generate Java
APIs for the C++ libraries libppf, libpdl,
libnmpatch and libnmprotocol.
Webpage updated
June 2005
Added information on how to build with
Scons. More information about libnmPatch.
Several updates
April 2005
Build system updated. Updates to java editor.
Site updated. Working on PortMIDI based driver.